About Your Host

KunstWeb09Dr. Jennifer Kunst  is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, working with adults and couples in private practice in Pasadena, California.  In addition to her training in mental health, she has a background in music and theology.  For twenty years, she has worked with patients from all walks of life, bringing the wisdom of psychoanalysis out of the ivory tower and applying it to the real problems of real people in a user-friendly way.  Her book, Wisdom from the Couch, was published by Consortium/Central Recovery Press in June 2014.

In writing this blog, she hopes to demystify the process of psychoanalysis and make it accessible to anyone who is searching for a more satisfying and meaningful life.  So relax, kick off your shoes, lean back, and let the healing begin!

For more information, check out her website at www.drjenniferkunst.com

10 responses to “About Your Host

  1. You go! Look forward to your Wisdom! I know how clever, smart, funny you are and look forward to my new “Jen’s words”. Good Luck, I know this will be fun, and great for me (us out here).

  2. love it! keep writing – I’m hoping to learn something & be edumacated.

  3. I have always been afraid of analysis, but this blog makes me think maybe I should give it a real try.

  4. I like this. Looking forward to posts and a lively discussion.

  5. Ok Jen, I’m ready,astound me!!

  6. Theresa Rotolo, LMHC

    Great stuff!! Wish we could “compare notes”, from the therapy perspective in Florida. But maybe Ill get some insights from reading your blog. Keep it going! 🙂

  7. Clear, engaging, and thoughtful. I look forward to reading more of your insights.

  8. Do you mean to tell me that we can’t simply medicate away the human experience? Hmmm….

  9. Judith Stolnitz

    Hey Jen: finally took some time today to look at your blog. LOVE IT. I think it is a great way to get “famous” for your book. I’ll buy it if you promise to autograph it.

    Like the Mother’s Day post. I have sent my mother funny cards since I was able to buy my own and not make them out of pink construction paper and glitter. The humorous cards tend to be better at capturing what you are talking about : The mix of perfection and disaster that all mothers are to varying degrees at varying times of life, the year and even the hour. (AND I’ve met some great people when laughing out loud in the stores)

    My girls will tell you that I am “perfect in every way.” Thus, mocking the drive for perfection in all things. “Good Enough”, “Best YOU you can be.” And “Everything in Moderation.” Have been my words to live by. Maybe I’ll get a tattoo

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